Anniversaries are indeed most special,
They remind me of the plethora of unconditional love, on me you shower...❤️❤️
Time truly flies , undoubtedly it does..
And today on our umpteenth Love Anniversary as I sit back to pause❤️❤️
Turning back the most beautiful "pages" of my life...
I witness your fine imprints on each one of them with so much pride❤️❤️
Like a needle I pierced myself with the self-induced agony given by the atrocities of life and destiny,
Until you became my thread and helped me stitch together my battered life and filled it with your smiles velvety❤️❤️
Every time I retrieved and rolled back deep into my shell...
You nurtured me with your fairness and care, until I shone like a pearl❤️❤️
No doubt our lives have been a rugged roller-coaster,
I fail till date, to imagine it without you by my side!❤️❤️
You have completed me as a woman, and rendered my life a new meaning...
What I have learnt the most for you, is how to value and nurture each relation! ❤️❤️
Yes, I was a feeble being, hiding inside my self-woven vicious cocoon, you caressed me with your tender warmth...
And helped me bloom into a vivid butterfly with your adorable charm!❤️❤️
You are solely the reason of whatever I am today..
And I thanks Almighty for giving me you, as mine forever!❤️❤️
Need I say, my love, so much with you I am in love that life appears a beautiful song...
Yes Today, Words fail me to express my gratitude to you for giving me a Blissful Panache within your Arms, 10 years long❤️❤️
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