Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Winner of the ‪#‎HAPPYSEMIANNIVERSARY‬ Giveaway

Tantadan!! Keeping up our promise, here we Announce the undisputedly most deserving Winner of the  ‪#‎HAPPYSEMIANNIVERSARY‬ Giveaway of Straight From The Heart <3 <3

Pls put your hands together for undisputedly most deserving Winner of the Giveaway being announced here:She is 
Ms. Divya Asha

Thankyou Divya for being such an admirable Patron of the blog, Our Best wishes and heartiest congratulations to you....

Winner kindly send us your address details and ID proof at the earliest.

Our heartfelt thanks to all of you dear folks for your vehement support always <3 <3

Promise all your hardwork will always be counted on your favorite page!!

Next Giveaway Announcement Soon :)


  1. Thank you so much Roma Maa'm !!! Love you :)
    I've messaged you the details on your facebook page :)
