Friday, 19 January 2024

Reflecting on the year 2023-a year of purpose and self healing for me


It is time for my customary year-end reflections on the past twelve months, what they gave me, and what they taught me. I begin by expressing my earnest gratitude to the supreme power for giving me another precious year to live because in our everyday small and big desires we forget that our biggest gift is a gift of life and we must leave no stone unturned to make it worthwhile. The year 2023 began for me on this note as I shifted to our new home on 1 December 2022. It is this exact place on my sun-soaked hammock that I wrote my last year’s reflections, too. 

In the year 2023 a lot changed in me and I will fondly like to give it a look back with a full heart. January 2023 started for me with a lot of soul-searching and acceptance. I also merrily got immersed in tapping the power of my subconscious, healing and training it in the process. I also kept working on my Ikigai. It was also the time my annual contract with Amazon as a fashion and beauty influencer ended and I didn’t feel the urge to request the renewal, commercial projects were not what I was eyeing anymore. I value purpose, meaning, and joy in whatever project I undertake. I found immense joy in writing so writing continued but the compulsive desire to be appreciated and praised all the time took a backseat. 

Then in February 2023, I wrote a letter each day to my child as a countdown to his forthcoming birthday in March. The idea was to publish them as a book and present it to him but I chose to gift them to him one each day as it came simply because both of us enjoyed it this way. By the end of the month, I didn’t realize it was quite a few words written which could be easily published as a book. Thus, this ready book manuscript happily awaits seeing the dawn of the day. I am not sure why I didn’t publish them but the joy of writing to your progeny each day with earnest intent and a heart full of love is so precious. Maybe they are too personal for me but someday I will publish them because I would love to stay alive in my words long after I am gone and I want my grandchildren and their grandchildren to know me through my books.

In March my manifestations and a deep desire to lead a purposeful light as always, yielded results. Post exams, birthday celebrations, and a quick holiday, I attended a bloggers meet by Blogchatter, where I clearly saw my goals. As a chronic endometriosis patient, I had suffered badly in India due to the wrong diagnosis and medications and I really wanted to do my bit in changing this scenario in India. This is what led to the birth of Endometriosis Awareness and Support Group India, a 24X7 helpline and community of Endometriosis Patients in India to support and nurture each other and also seek relevant advice for early diagnosis and intervention for this life-disrupting disease. By God’s grace, I could genuinely help several souls through this medium because I know even by lending a patient ear, that I know your pain matters and getting the right professional help whenever needed felt good.

The whole of April I penned 30 articles on this very ailment in the April AtoZ Challenge of Blogchatter to let this initiative reach as many people as possible and serve them or their loved ones in times of need. I tried to be exhaustive in the topics I covered and my research in them and always included the patients' perspective in them because I understood the pain one felt while struggling with this whole body condition. 

In May I went bag packing to Spain for a conference( I need to do a separate post on why I fell in love with the city of Barcelona from the entire country for reasons more than one) and then vacation followed by Paris. Almost a decade ago I had been all over Europe for my Ikea assignments and so many precious memories came flooding by. This time was extra special also because I was with my family which multiplies the joy and beauty of holidays. Europe I felt has become more accepting after the pandemic towards the brown world as they used to call us when I worked there. Though for the major part of the journey, I was very sick and was on antibiotics and cough syrups but it in no way hindered my spirits. But travel truly is therapeutic and I felt so good inside.

Back home in June, I basked in the glory of my first-ever murder mystery being picked up for publishing in Blogchatter Anthology. I thought this was the genre that had eluded me the most but I had to write for my love for Blogchatter, how could I not be a part of their first publishing outing. A few things were difficult on my personal front that threw me out of my comfort zone and I momentarily panicked but by God’s grace a balance could well be struck and I could get my groove back by July. As always writing became my anchor and I weaved my pain into fiction and dispersed it out in the universe. I also learned to self-heal, be patient, and be kind to myself. I learned vital lessons as a human being and a wife, parent, and sister. I learned to surrender. I learned to be at peace and not keep running always. I learned to let go.

Thus, continuing the same, August and September I dedicated myself to self-improvement and also trying my hands at podcasting. After all, I had to learn a new skill each year and also because I had conjunctivitis so with my eyes closed I could not write but definitely record my voice. I was sick so many times this year that I could not get back to my fitness regime and gained a lot of weight. This is one front I have been really lousy in this year and next year hopefully will find a fitter Roma, amen🙂!

But what kept my spirits high was travel in 2023 after so many years of lockdown and being confined to the four walls indoors. My spouse was to take an official trip to Dubai around my birthday in october and he asked me to join him which I happily agreed to. Thus my forties began with a bang celebrating my birthday on top of Burj Khalifa. I will also remember this year for the many firsts I did overcoming my extreme fear. Not only did I take the toughest 360 degrees roller coaster ride in Disneyland Paris but also took the transparent sky glass slide in Dubai at the top floor. I also tried most of the crazily adventurous and a tad bit scary water slides at Atlantis Aquaventure Water Park in Dubai which is known to be the largest water park in the world. Talking on things I am especially grateful this year, I am particularly thankful for all the offline friendships I had forged this year. Less is more for me now and I have become really selective with whom I can invest my time with.

In October, I also hosted an emotional wellness blog hop where the top bloggers of India came together to share their wisdom and coping mechanisms during emotional turmoil. This was indeed such a priceless experience that I decided to put their works together as a book that shall be released on Women’s Day in 2024.

November was beautifully festive and peaceful I celebrated Diwali in our own sweet home decorating it my way and praying amidst Pooja’s and hawans in our office while December made us complete 18 years of marriage so the celebrations continued monthlong and culminated in Goa, our regular adda where we bid goodbye to a generous year of our lives with grateful hearts. Of course, to mark another first I tried parasailing, and man it was so much fun to fly high in peace as if the world came to a standstill for several moments. 

Aah so quite a year, reflecting upon it was really healing in itself, I could work on my purpose in life as best as I could, and yes because I only count my blessings I choose not to pen all that was not that good and only take the lessons learned from them ahead. Thank you so much all of you for blessing me with your presence last year and please keep the love coming in the years to come as well, I thrive on it♥️. Happy 2024 everyone, hope you and I all have a meaningful year ahead.

Truly Yours Roma

Also, as the founder of the Endometriosis Support and Awareness Group of India, I would love for you to join me in my mission or approach me for any women health-related assistance you seek.

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