Hugs and Kisses to you my love
On completing 22 years of accepting each other forever the way we are
I still remember that fateful night
That made us accept our hearts’ desire
I replay it in my mind a hundred times
And still smile reliving those moments
How young, how naive were we
But our love knew how to transcend all boundaries
From that day, till today
We have weaved our nest inch by inch
Need I say how fulfilling is this journey
Let’s be together like this for many more decades and centuries
Happy Love Anniversary once again sweetheart
Together we are really going strong
Respecting and loving each other
Despite being so different and sometimes even being wrong
In our every day hustle bustle
There are many things that go unsaid
So today let me take the opportunity
Before it is too late
Thank you for being kind and caring towards me
For this I will forever remain grateful to you
Thank you for all the smiles you give me
For they are the primary reason I feel like living
I also genuinely want to say
I am so proud of your accomplishments
Not many in this world can fulfil their dreams
Like you have done
And you may not know
For I always nag you
But on this earth I am the one who is happiest to see
the heights that you gradually accomplish
Of course for the days we fight
I want to delete them from our life’s flash drive
I honestly don’t like when you get bossy
Because I always know that internally your heart is as soft as wax and I know my Shobhi
I honestly love you to the moon and back
And believe you are the best thing that has happened to me in this world
I would rather not spend life’s journey with anyone else but you
And I love to keep saying you are mine and I love you
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