Friday 16 June 2023

Paris Diaries: A trip I will never forget for umpteen reasons #TravelHeals #MemoirsSeries


I was in Paris for five full days and the moment I landed there I knew it matched my vibes and exuberance like none else. I had already been all over the charming and heartwarming Spain for the last ten days and this was our last destination. 

The flight from Barcelona to Paris was equally charming as we flew over the breathtaking gorgeous Alps waving at me from the clouds beneath my aircraft. We landed at 12 noon and made our way straight to our AirBnB right across the Eiffel Tower. 

Our cab driver was super friendly and took extra effort to show us around with a constant smile on his face, post the pandemic Europe has surely become very accepting unlike a decade ago. 

Whether wise it was super breezy and sunny and after some hustle to get our keys, in just a few minutes I was ready to get down and enjoy the Eiffel Tower and the adjoining fun activities not to forget the extremely picturesque roadside cafes that served lip-smacking food.

I had a fever then but the joy of travel makes you forget everything and there I was basking in joy roaming in the Parisian streets and devouring divine food and clicking innumerable pictures. I had such fond memories of my working days in Europe almost a decade back and I was so light on my feet easily covering at least 16000 steps a day. This holiday brought back the old Roma alive when I had hoped to walk on these streets someday with the two loves of my life. 

This was the most leisurely vacation I have had in a long time with absolutely no agenda and my family was so damn supportive due to a bad cough and endometriosis flare-up leading to bleeding I was very cranky in between though was a sport on most of the other occasions.

I had promised myself that I will make merry of every single moment of the trip.

Day one thus went in a blink of an eye and day 2 was dedicated to Disneyland Paris and has to begin really early so we slept on time. 

Ticking off Disneyland Paris from our bucket list was an emotion. The kid in me came alive at every single ride but more about it in my next post, stay tuned ðŸ’—💗

Truly Yours Roma

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