Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Your happiness is in your hands #SelfMotivation

Your happiness is in your hands girl

 For as long you will have to depend for it on others 

Trust me it will come and go 

Leaving things out of control 

This control on your life 

Is what matters the most 

Life is too short not to embrace 

what we truly love 

It’s time you take charge of your life 

Do what gives you a genuine smile 

Make a list now of all that remains to be done 

I am yet to make experiences tonnes

I read somewhere and it made me ponder 

Everyone has two lives, have you ever realised 

We start our second life, When we genuinely realise 

What gives us true joy and to get it we strive 

The joys need not be big 

As simple as sipping your morning coffee

Or reading a brilliant book

Or slipping into your favourite LBD

Keep yourself busy 

Carving a way sweet 

That helps you move closer  

Towards doing what makes you ecstatic 

You have to device your own formula for joy 

You need to have a reason why you live

Gradually keep sailing towards your goals 

And life truly will be beautiful 

I have realised the biggest mistake one makes

Is to seek happiness in others 

Who might have their own lives 

From this situation a helplessness arrives 

Your happiness  or sadness is in your hands

No one else can be held responsible for the same 

Expecting from them is your folly 

And it alone is the cause of all agony

They have their own shoes to fill 

Just because you gave your life for them 

They need not for you do this as well

Take charge my dear, slowly and gradually 

Weave your own world of little joys 

Soak yourself in work 

If that gives you unparalleled solace 

Or have the courage 

To fulfil all your dreams still not materialised

Untwine the threads of complications 

And break them into simpler tasks 

Better fulfilled one at a time

Live life queen size has been my mantra 

What is life without fun 

Add as much zing and bling as you can 

Make your sickness or any other bottleneck a mental game 

Embark on a new journey each day my love 

Explore the world 

Get the adrenaline rush 

Smile and laugh with a open heart 

Let no moment from now on 

Be filled with regrets 

Your happiness is in your hands

Let nothing ever evade your smile 

Truly Yours Roma

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa 

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