My kid’s exams are in full swing and I and hubby decided to go on a nice weekend date, I know you don’t believe it but it is how our family works. Since my boy was very tiny I have taught him that exams times are the times to relax your brain so that you strain it the most while you are penning your answers in exams. Today, seeing all the stress around, decided to share what do we actually do, to ensure he aces the exams as well is super chilled during them.
1. First things first, please don’t make the exams a matter of life and death and build stress around it, let the kids understand exams prepare them for their future so they must study regularly for them to get a stronghold of the concepts.
2. We do our final preparations for the exams a fortnight before the exams referring to all the extra course materials too at length, preferably making notes. 11th-hour preparations are not for us for they don’t enrich you at all.
3. Use exams time for revision giving your brain space to rejuvenate after every exam and get ready for the next exam.
4. Get a good night’s sleep before your exam, a well rested brain will frame the examination answers to perfection and to kid’s best knowledge, even if he or she doesn’t know the answer, they won’t be exhausted enough to actually stretch their brains to answer the same to the best of their ability.
5. Teach your kids early how to present their answers, precision, choice of words, appropriate terminology, highlighting main points are some of the things that get your kid win teachers’ hearts who have to check many copies.
6. Last but not least have a laughter hour with the kids, watch a part of your favorite movie or listen to your favorite music or just lie down talking, giggling, and cuddling, they would surely share with you if at all they fear anything and you can softly help them with gentle techniques to tackle them like saying don’t worry all will be well just give your best shot, exams only help us identify what we need to prepare better.
All these #EXAMSTIPS work both during online and offline exams and are extremely rewarding in the long run. They have aided me to reduce the exam stress to almost negligible at my place and make kiddo independent in studies as he grew up, I hope these help you too, feel free to dm me if you have any further queries, shall help to the best of my abilities, lot of love to all of you.

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