It was last November and we were on our annual vacations in Thailand. This was not my first time here but yes a first with my family and hence it was special. Since all three of us are beach freaks our bucket list for this vacation comprised of all the serene islands and beaches where the two boys can let their hair down and have fun to their heart’s content whilst I have decided to play a cool wifey and mommy for the trip curled up on the beach pad with my kindle, occasionally soaking in water and then getting sun kissed.
We have also accordingly booked our resorts at different destinations to make the most of our holiday. One such lovely morn while scanning through the catalog of must do things in Phuket my eyes fell on the world famous Dolphin show the city hosted and the twinkle of extreme joy in my eyes made hubby dear immediately book it for the three of us. I was ecstatic and couldn’t wait for it.
The hotel has arranged for the transfers. There were three category of tickets based on which row you can sit and watch the acrobatics of the cutest creatures on earth. We had bought the first row premium tickets and were the closest to the huge water pond where the adorable dolphins will display their lovely skills which also meant our hearts were beating faster than normal as we can actually touch them. We will also given raincoats to wear whose vital purpose I understood a little later during the event.
It was a two hour show and what came as a biggest surprise was that the dolphins Show was preceded by Seals’ Show and all four of them wee cutie pies. They danced and twirled in their masters’ tunes impeccably and spell blindingly. I guess I was the one who was shouting the loudest and the craziest out of excitement and my extreme happiness. They kind of read my love for them as one of the seals actually choose to kiss me while shaking hands and walking past all the guests and I with butterflies in my stomach caressed her back.
S captured the moment perfectly in the camera and trust me it is one of my most favorite pics of the lifetime. It is candid and reinforces my belief that every living being in this universe knows just one language and that is the language of love.
Well, my pleasure was only bound to grow from there as 5 pretty dolphins 🐬 came marching out and dashed into water to splash us wet with their jump. Thank God our raincoats were on. The next one hour was nothing short o
f a dream as the lovelies played multiple games, danced, did paintings, did unbelievable circus acrobatics and even came out to pose with us.
I loved touching the one which came near me and caressed it for a long while and also posed with it, I am forgetting her name pardon my diminishing memory but she was beautiful with her multiple linings of teeth glistening like pearls. While she seemed in no hurry to get back to water, S has to actually tuck me in his arms to take me back and let others enjoy a moment with them.
You can catch a glimpse of the show here.
A big salute to their trainers who have aided them master their craft and fondly kept feeding them small fishes as a mark of appreciation for whatever wonder they performed and mesmerised the house full crowd. It look me a long time to comprehend the fact that how artistically a Dolphin drew a heart with a paintbrush. It goes without saying that the drawing was auctioned for a hefty sum with my little one bidding till the end and only missing it by a whisker.
It was a day which is etched on my memory forever and those sweet memories only get sweeter with time and I would say it is something you can’t afford to miss when in Thailand. Whether or not you are a die heart animal lover like me or not, you must see it to believe it.
Yesterday as I was doing a project with the kiddo about how the plastics that is being trashed by us and which reaches the ocean is choking and suffocating marine animals to death in abundance, I realized and recalled how naive and precious these creatures are and thus have sworn not to use an iota a plastic. If each one of us brings up this vital change we sure can save our Mother Earth.
Well, this memoir of mine is a toast to those dolphins and seals of Thailand who forever will live in my heart.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by Roma Gupta Sinha
All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author
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