Sometimes in utter peace I delve in my childhood memories and smile...what mesmerising happiness tiny joys of life brought way back then...when we ourselves too were tiny. Unfortunately the bigger joys of the bigger us today, shall never hold the same value as did those days. Independence Day, Teachers’ Day, Parents’ Day, Children’s day all were truly special. I remember how our class teacher used to cook lip smacking snacks by herself for all of us and played with us the whole day on children’s day. The day was doubly special because we had candid discussions with her openly on everything we wanted and the Guru-Shishya wall of respect was demolished for a single day. In fact she became one of us and I was never ready to miss a children’s day celebration at school any which way😊. Way back then and even today children’s day is celebrated mostly in schools and we parents merely play the role of getting them ready for the celebrations at their school. Well, they are our children as well and they deserve a gala time at home with mommy and daddy too, on this day dedicated to them.Recently I stumbled on this idea that we mom-dads n family must as well make their children's day special and was immediately intrigued by. I have this habit of jumping on enriching our lives with such mini celebrations and weaving sweet memories in the journey of life and when it’s with little ones there is always some extraordinarily innocent and adorable about it.
I slept with the notion for a couple of days and churned the most creative ideas to make it a memorable day for the little one with some unique celebration and here’s what we plan to do when he is back home this #childrensday. There would we a surprise party at home in the evening when everyone mom-dad, Uncle-aunts, grand moms-granddads will be dressed up like small children or his toys in colourful attires. All will gorge on the kiddo's favourite food and play all his favourite games like Statue and Passing The Parcel and he along with his best friends would be the judge. He will also be allowed to ask one secret question from each family member which he would have always wanted to ask but probably couldn’t summon the courage so far (pyaar se, mithaas se).
We have ordered his all time favourite #CadburyDairyMilk Chocolate shaped cake for him which he can cut with his friends and have fun and since he loves dancing all of us are preparing a dance each on his favourite children's songs as a personalised gift for him. The decoration theme is all in Cadbury Silk and Bubblies hanging from the roof as we have kept the precious evening for the child very subtle and endearing the #Kuchmeethahojaye way. Well, we all are damn excited for the party and it feels like preparing for this precious evening for the kiddo has made us little children too, all over again and what great fun it is to become one no matter at what stage of life you are in at the moment. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Hope the kiddo will like his cute little children’s day surprise and forever add a beautiful memory to his childhood kitty. Probably like me someday when he too would sit delving in his childhood memories, this cute little celebration will bring a smile on his lips! |
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