Some days
I just want to sit with myself
Without a spoken word, happy in my own space
Letting the early sun rays play peek-a-boo
with my tresses
I look aimlessly into the serene sky till the
point where my gaze ends
I feel like the calm surface of a placid lake
Not wanted to be broken into ripples by a
wandering pebble
I feel like a half-blossomed hibiscus violet
Without a desire to be spotted by a butterfly
to steal my pollen
I feel like a small baby oblivious of all the
worries of the world
Who craves for nothing else but her mother's
And suddenly the responsibilities beckon
Kicking me hard out of my trance
Perplexed to see the hour on my clock
I dedicatedly rush back to the next core
But the peace I just experienced lingers on
And I again sit back in search of myself
Am I what the time had made me
Or that child who desired to frame her own
I lot I have achieved and great solace in it I
And words undoubtedly fail me to express my
gratitude to the Almighty for the same
But there's still a void in my heart and
emptiness in my eyes from years umpteen
Waiting to be filled when I shall materialise
that unseen dream
Until then I wander and meander in search of
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