Friday, 1 April 2016

"B"attered....The Remorse of a Daughter

If God just grants me Wish, 
And asks for my life Instead...
I will most willingly, give him the same...
And without second thoughts, would ask for my "MOM"

"No one can ever realize the pain of a daughter who saw her mom die a slow death moment on moment under lamenting pain and a battered soul...and before she could do anything her mom left for the heavenly abode!

I am mom's princess...yes that's what she called me till she was with me....and my mom was my pride too and will always be. Though I will never wish anyone to perish the way she did and as her daughter I could not do anything to save her.

My mom was a pure bundle of talent and in those times, few decades back, she was a doctorate professor in a degree college until my grand-dad decided to marry her. She obeyed her parents and married my dad who made her give up her job as working mom were not very welcome in our society that time...

Though she came with a hefty dowry, the greed of her in laws( I am ashamed to call them my grandparents ) was ever increasing... They tortured her, pierced her with agonising words and treated her like a housemaid of my father's 8 younger brother and sisters.

Things worsened and to add to her misery I was born as her first child-a a house room without the aid of any doctor of or nurse..everyone in her family were extremely annoyed with her... This happened to be her biggest crime till date ... My dad was ordered to abandon me and her and remarry! The situation was calmed by my maternal relatives stuffing more money in their stomache....

I wondered why my mom's parents and here family never came to her rescue, never ever....Not until her death and rather kept sending money and gifts...

My mom was always quiet but as I grew up I couldn't bear all that she was through..I tried to raise my voice at many occasions but was as unwanted in the family as my mom...

Whenever I asked her why she didn't raise her voice... She would calmly tell me that you are my voice darling...and I want you to grow up into a Strong Woman who will be ever happy and not dependent on anyone.

Sarcastically , soon, I too learnt to brood in silence but I let the pain burn strong in my heart...I have committed to myself that I will complete my studies and be on my own as soon as possible and free my mom from the clutches of these inhuman parasites...

By the grace of God, I soon completed my studies and took up my first job...rented a flat and ran to my heart yearned to do my bit for her for she has left no stone unturned for whatever I am today braving infinite adverse circumstances...

I held her hand in mine, planted a kiss on her forehead and whispered to her softly, mom , please come with me , we will leave this house forever today and carve our own world!

A tear rolled down from her eye and she spread her smile as wide as river Nile... Baby,no one will marry you, if your mom always stayed with you.. We argued for hours and in utter despair I gave up! She made me promise her that I will always be independent and not let a similar fate befell on myself!

Dumbstruck, I returned back to work and soon got engrossed in fulfilling my mom's dream...talking to her over phone each day still trying to persuade her to come and live with her...once her voice sounded feeble, I asked her to rest, that day she rested her soul Forever!

Loosing her, my world words can describe my remorse that moment... I was filled with extreme repentance which worsens with every passing day.. Wish I had forced her a little more and pulled her out of that hell forever, I would not have lost her at such young age!"

This is a fictitious adaptation of a true tale narrated by a regretful daughter... Who still keeps searching for the reason why her well educated mom, her parents or she herself raise her voice against the atrocities done on women in the name of Dowry in our unfortunate patriarchal society...

Until we raise our voice and fight back, trust me , under no circumstances , will they realise their mistake and their greed will only multiply which would further only increase Crimes Against Women! I know it's easier said than done, but it's high time they correct themselves or are put behind bars... Being the current generation , the onus of the rightful equitable behaviour to our moms, spouses and daughters in absolutely our responsibility!

I thus urge to you all to share these posts as much as you can, to awaken as many consciences as possible and be the FACE OF CHANGE!!

Author's Note: This Post is a part of #AtoZChallenge 2016 under my theme #FaceofChange
In the 26 days of this coveted challenge, I am going to precisely talk about the need of Women Rights and Liberation as despite of them, working shoulder to shoulder with man in all walks of life, Crimes against Women and Gender Inequality are the two menaces which are still destroying the foundation of Peaceful Happy Co-existence in our society (in most Asian countries).
Herein, I shall be narrating real life stories of Indian Women, how their souls are charred each day and how they still dread the patriarchal society which always treats them as the lower and inferior sex

My earnest endeavor is, these posts reach the maximum people and serve an eye opener to the preparators of inhuman crimes against Women...My heart would be in peace, even if I succeed partially in this mission of mine!

Trust we will be connected straight from the Heart, in this journey for a cause and be the FACE OF CHANGE...

-Truly Yours Roma

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