Monday, 28 December 2015

HP Star Wars Fun Side Challenge:Star War Mini Theater for my Star Wars Addict Little Sonny

Earnestly speaking, I fail to recollect, how I got smitten by the Star Wars Fever over the's probably the company of my "Star Wars Crazy Duo" at home, my 6 year old kiddo & hubby dear, that my initial interest in the same grue up to humongous levels of fascination and addiction for the same!! Well, I have reasons not one but umpteen.....

My little one lives in his own world of space fantasies treating  "Darth Vader" , "Luke Skywalker" ,"Clumsy Stormtrooper" etc almost as his kith and kin and even naming our beloved pet 'Chewbacca"...sometimes he role plays his favorite characters..the latest being Kylo Ren plotting to trap enemies and satiates his heart's "Dark Desires" (oops)....

P.S. We rang our Christmas bells watching this latest Flick from our favorite  Franchisee - Star Wars : The Force Awakens!! and since than my little boy is only dreaming about it .

And my elder kid, my 35 year old corp-orator hubby, for all the very little spare time he has, he satisfies his extra terrestrial instincts by indulging in the Star War games on our ipad, as if watching all the flicks from his favorite Star Wars Series, infinite times wasn't enough :) you know from where we drive our roots of being a firm rooted Star Wars Family (Grin!!).

Both of them(obviously) actually jumped out of bed when I informed them and showed them a Glimpse of the admirable HP Star Wars Special Addition Notebook (through this lovely video)...

...and that's when I got this lovely Fun Idea...My little sunshine's 7th Birthday is soon approaching...It would be absolutely Fantastic to give his room a "New Star Wars Inspired Look" Makeover and transform it into a Mini Theater where he could have loads of fun in his favorite world anytime and anyway he wishes with or without his friends...As his mommy, this seems to me a perfect transformation from his Baby Boy Mickey Mouse Room to a Young Sharp Boy trying to distinguish between the good and the evil, while having fun discovering his dark side!
Along with this setup, his Mini Star War Theater Room shall be armed with the Perfect and Classy HP Star Wars Special Addition Notebook, something to aid him awaken the force of his creative side ...

.....Mom always wishes you #AwakenYourForce Darling......

While the aesthetics of this limited edition Lapy stole my heart at the first glance, when I surfed through it's features  I was further bowled over in sheer admiration to it's Command Center Software...It gave me a wonderful access as many as 1100 priceless images of Star Wars Legacy which I can use directly or run as slide show along with Audio Clips during my sonny's birthday bash in his revamped Star Wars themed Room.

I also picked up the wall Paint design from a ready made poster in the Command Center to give my Kiddo's room main wall, a perfect look as per the chosen theme.

And yeah keeping up mu custom of gifting my little sonny every hour on his birthday, I intend to present him this time ,made to order Star Wars' goodies, using the bacddrops and prints from Behind the Scenes, Collections, Concept Art and Illustrated Art from Command Center of this darkly mesmerizing special notebook (I suddenly feel so resourceful, you see)...

For the Birthday Party for him and his friends, we'll keep his room dimly illuminated and run the Star War movies which come preloaded in this oh-so-awesome lapy....thus making his room his personalized Star Wars Mini Theater...The Red lit keys on the keyboard will add to the dark and spunky ambiance of the theme...Special Coding Decoding Games will be played in the Aurebesh font and food will be served in the paper plates and Glasses printed with Marvel Star War Comics images (again from Command Center Software), to add to the fun!!I am sure it's sure gonna be mega fun with kids actually coming in draped in paper costumes of Star War Characters....oh, My My!!

Wow, so with all detailing done, while discovering the most enchanting, impeccable and desirous notebook of the year by HP, I also finished planning for the biggest event of the year for our dark little adorable StarWars Family :) which also boasts of possessing it's very own Star Wars Library with E-book Excerpts, Trailers, Episodes and Comics etc....

While I had all the fun chalking out the minutest details, I trust you had fun being a part of it ...

If you too are totally spell-bound and excited to walkthrough the details of this truly worthy stellar and powerpacked STAR WARS HP LIMITED EDITION NOTEBOOK ...a peek-a-boo to the below video is enough to make your hearts too pound for it !!

© [Roma Gupta Sinha][Straight From The Heart]Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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