Sunday, 15 November 2015

Tata Motors confers on me the rare opportunity to Pay a Heartfelt Tribute to my Mentor, " #MadeofGreat "

Emotions and Pride run down my veins alike,
As I think of the great men who illuminated my life!!
Words fail me to express my gratitude to them,who taught me face life headstrong,
Today and Always,I bow my head in reverence to these #MadeofGreat Veterans!!
Yes, dear Readers, so much I believe, that life is remarkable, life is precious, life is demanding and yeah life is a beautiful journey with umpteen meaningful and worthwhile experiences! These experiences which we have with different sets of people, with varied idiosyncrasies, indeed make us or break us...Both good and bad experiences, both harsh and supportive men/women give us lessons of a lifetime!! Among these are some few people #MadeofGreat , who through their prudent wisdom and unparalleled passion for life, lead by example and mentor you, hone you, aid you carve out your niche and be your guiding light!!Isn't it ??

Breaking stereotypes is indeed me..always...since birth I guess when my granny has almost abandoned me on a waste bin for being a girl child...I had always trudged the difficult roads of life but have been lucky enough to have paved my way successfully through them thanks to several great people who touched my life at it's various stages and have been my support system....Staying with them has enriched me rather the mankind...they are undoubtedly #MadeofGreat !! Infact I feel blessed that Tata Motors gave me this precious opportunity to pay my tribute to them in my this and coming blog-posts under the series #MadeofGreat...
Tata Motors And Lionel Messi both #MadeofGreat
I begin my journey of appreciating and felicitating these GREAT MEN,with a candid "Straight from the Heart Reverie" to my Professional Mentor Mr. Vivek Gautam, My divine light, the person whose words and principles are forever etched in my heart!! The core values imbibed by him in me form the backbone of my 10 year long successful career stint...Here goes the true tale of finding this Gem and his worth in my life!
I was on Cloud 9, when one of the Top organisations in India, Campus selected me at a whooping package, after the rigorous 4 rounds of placement...Determined as I always was and fresh out of my engineering college, I was beaming in excitement and positive energy and wanted to top it with immense hard-work(which has always been my core strength) to lay a strong foundation for my professional goals...
Can't be more true!
I wanted to put that little extra to any ordinary work, to make my work extraordinary also because I knew I was the only female GET in a large herd of male mechanical/ automobile engineer colleagues! Initially the picture at work seemed rosy and I was learning and delivering by leaps and bounds but soon the bias started becoming evident..I feel its absolutely imperative to mention here that the bias was not because of an ill-will but because most male bosses still fell into the trap of protecting a female and giving her soft jobs...this broke my heart...soon my zeal and passion towards my work and excel started to fade...though I did get my share of appreciation, I still felt dis-satiated in the journey from ordinary to extraordinary...
However, having fought so many odds in life, I am sure you have read my autobiography Destiny's Chosen Child expressed through the character Anna, I was not the one to give up! I wanted to give the system a strong fight to prove my mettle, when my parents fixed my marriage in another city...
In this city, during my first job interview post marriage, on the other side of the table, I saw a young gentleman whose eyes spoke volumes of his character...He was Mr. Vivek Gautam, the HOD of the department I may be placed if I got selected..A mere glance of his filled my fading heart with a lot of optimism! He did select me and gave me a perfect launch pad...I felt like wet clay with him who wanted to mold me into his masterpiece..He devoted a lot of time in training me, apprising me of working ethics, and highlighting the significance of doing things by one's own hands and I always impressed him with putting in that little extra in whatever task he assigned me...It infact felt so special if I satisfied him...Thanks to his setting my basics right I could later work at Japan, Thailand and across different countries in Europe in my later career....For reasons more than one, which I try to enumerate below, he is indeed #MadeofGreat......
• Having risen from scratch to perfection, toiling for long hours in sun, polishing himself of each skill set, he is definitely #MadeofGreat WillPower...something he brushes on you hard when you come in contact with him!
• Always nurturing his team and taking care of them like his own children, he is certainly #MadeofGreat Care and Warmth!He taught me the significance of personal relations with everyone in your professional life..I may sound ironic but most people in my shoes will not negate it!
Mr. Vivek Gautam with his Sons
• Always believing in the fact that there is absolutely no substitute for hard work and discipline, he is truly #MadeofGreat Dedication and Perseverance...I have seen him meeting deadlines in high fever, to keep up his professional commitments, so much he has Lead us by Example!
• Although a little man of weak health, he is #MadeofGreat Steel which never submitted to material power..No shortcuts or lucrative personal favours by suppliers and customers made him adapt dishonest ways! Infact, I learnt how to maintain the most balanced distance when at allied facilities during my external meetings with him!
• A meticulous planner and a voracious executor that he is, beyond all doubt he is #MadeofGreat Vision...Under his leadership the JV registered multifold growth and top spots...I have learnt the beautiful cascading of roles from top to bottom from him!
• He is a great believer who is #MadeofGreat Leadership.... He places his trust in his people strongly...He does not shoo away from giving big responsibilities to them and interferes and guides as and when required...He allowed us to make mistakes but on condition that we dont repeat it !
• Office Politics could never touch this man as he is #MadeofGreat Justice to one and a career span of 10 long years across several Global Giants, I have never seen such a transparent man...For him aright is always a right and a wrong a wrong..he somehow never fiddled in the grey..I remember him giving me a straight A+ within 6 months of my joining which was against the company policy of always giving a B+ to a new recruit but he always backed his judgement with such meticulous workings that no one could ever defy him !
• Most of all, I admire him for being #MadeofGreat Humility...One can never make out from his demeanor of his position in hierarchy and the fact that he is the Brightest Young Achiever in the Organisation...He is soft, sweet and calm in his behavior and prefers silent deliberation of robust issues than indulging in aggressive fight or use the influence of his designation!
Well, Folks, I can go on n on for I still keep discovering his more new and humble sides in our occasional telephonic conversations...But for me this #MadeofGreat Man has taught me the "Essence of being a Worthy Professional" through his set of "Core Values" on which I laid the strong foundation of being a contented and elated professional today along with being firmly grounded...I have at many a occasions heard Mr.Ratan TATA, ex Chairman of Tata Group profess similar attachment to core values and staying tight to one's roots...and have admired him deeply too!
Infact every true Indian looks up to and takes pride in the Great Values professed and practiced by the Indian Automobile Giant " TATA MOTORS" . ..Beyond all doubt they are #MadeofGreat and so is their valuable association with Legendary Lionel Messi, who had time and again proved his resilience and defied all odds to emerge a Champion!
Rare and Adorable is this CLASSY COMBINATION #MADEOFGREAT S!! Hola Guys Don't you look forward to this GRAND COLLABORATION....

About the #MadeofGreat Campaign: 
The #madeofgreat campaign is the first time Tata Motors is undertaking an overall brand association campaign with a brand ambassador. It rides on a strong consumer motivation of ‘Seeking Excellence’ and ‘Self Belief’ which is showcased by the confluence of two global brands-Tata Motors and Lionel Messi. The campaign builds upon Tata Motors’ DNA of trust, authenticity, reliability, simplicity, as well as its commitment to innovation.
Lionel Messi is talent galore with conviction and is an icon for today’s youth. He is a winner who is trustworthy, reliable, pioneering, simple and driven by self-belief, which is what is at the core of Tata Motors as well. Thus, proving to be an ideal fit for the role of Global Brand Ambassador.​
You can logon to ,to know more on this Worthy Campaign!
Do Let me Know:
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-Truly Yours Roma

 © [Roma Gupta Sinha][Straight From The Heart][2015]Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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