Thursday 9 July 2015

Stay Fit, Feel Young - Eating Right and Not Eating Less Matters

Heya Buddies,

Looking in shape in the need of the hour, as that's how people judge your discipline and self control prima facie today....No one is spared from this constant social scanner an so though it's a well known fact to us that to stay in shape, eating a balanced diet is the key...It is often witnessed that young women and even men take to crash diets as a short cut for the weight loss!

They fail do understand by doing so they are disturbing their own metabolism and teaching their body to survive on the minimum...So while they reap the benefits of the crash diets in the short run, when they return to their original diet,their body tends to gain weight more rapidly for all the extra food over and above their crash diets!

I have fallen into in this trap many a times Folks - only to emerge more sensible now and nourish my body with articles from all food groups, but do keep a track on my calorie count(You can try the Calorie Calculator by Dabur Honey) and look for healthier substitutes always...I don't have a strict regime but definitely a balanced one...

I ensure me and my family always intakes a balanced healthy diet including carbs, proteins, fibers and other essential food the benefits of the balanced diet are innumerable...While it is the source of energy and well being for all our organs and ensures their smooth functioning, saving us from diseases and strengthening our immune system, it also ensures we are not exceeding the limits in a particular category, to cause obesity etc...

Though I never reach a zero Figure with my perfectly balanced diet, it keep me healthy,energetic and brimming with positive energy always and that's what matters the most to me...

Below I enumerate how I progress my day to Stay Fit And Feel young:

- First things First I sip a glass of Lukewarm water with lemon and honey...This one Really works wonder if you wish to forever maintain your weight!
P.S. I have been using Dabur Honey since many years for I Trust its Purity beyond all doubt and  am really glad their Honey Diet is Here <3

- This is followed by 30 mins of Yoga which relaxes my mind and soul as well as is my daily dose of physical workout...Being a working mommy, this is the best time I can take our for myself! You may choose any other form of exercise but don't cheat on this one.

-Early Breakfast for me is a glass of milk with cereals and Honey(you can try this if you have a sweet tooth like me, it is the best and most healthy substitute for sugar) and fresh fruits! If  you have more time you can definitely try on some wonderful Honey Recipes from Chef Vikas Khanna!!

-Mid Morning Green Tea rejuvenates me...Again here you have an option of adding honey to it as honey aids digestion and adds essential nutrients to your diet out of the many other Benefits of Honey....

-In Lunch it's usually The Lentils, Veggies  and Chapatis or brown rice for me...Since I am a foodie , I have to satiate my cravings often by cooking dishes like the mouth-watering Honey Chilli Cauliflower <3

-At lunch I try to end my foodie fantasies in usual circumstances, unless there's a party in the evening(Phew!!)

-Evening snacks are light, usually fruits or murmuras... and so is the dinner dears...though I vary it every day, I ensure I have it by 7 p.m....Early dinners always aid in keeping your weight under control

-If at all I feel hunger pangs before sleeping I take a small cup of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey, to make it a perfect dietery balanced end of the day!

This is my Myntra to Stay fit and Feel Young Always :)

I now intend to go a step further in my fitness levels, dears with 3 Click Fitness Test by Dabur Honey !!

I reiterate #HoneyDietisHere and is here to stay for it' s infinite benefits, as I see it.....Have you tried it yet?????

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