Friday, 12 June 2015

Mother Nature's Concealed Treasure for Radiant Beauty to impart us the "3G Look"

Hola Lovelies!!

Lots of love to you Straight From the Heart!!

In our endeavor to look "3G" today, i.e. Good, Gorgeous and Glamorous, we tend to give in to aggressively marketed Cosmetics Beauty Brands, in a haste...and while they can have their bit of contributions, I firmly believe that it's the traditional Indian Dadi Maa's Beauty Regime that can work wonders, in long lasting worthy effects for a radiant spotless skin...which neither has any side effects nor is heavy on our pockets...a true multi-faceted "Blessing in Disguise" that aids you to #ComeCloser to Radiant Skin exactly like the Ayurvedic VICCO Turmeric Cream does <3 beautifully expressed in the Ad below :

I remember my grand-mom always telling me that the key of deep-rooted beauty lies in our very own kitchen and she actually taught me the remedies for each of the skin care problems, using the ingredients in her kitchen....While you may choose to laugh over me, it's a fact buddies...India is a land of ayurveda and the mother nature's beauty secrets that have been passed to us by our ancestors, is a "Real Concealed Treasure", every which way <3

In our Straight From the Heart, Tete-a-Tete with you today, I bring to you, some extremely easy and effective Natural Beauty Tips from My Dadi MAA's Khazana, which I have unfailingly used for years, for having a perfectly radiant spotless skin , exactly like my baby's even today....You just dont need to make an purchase for them....nor do you need to spend long hours at parlour or home to witness the effect...all you need to do is be regular with it!! So Here's my 10 Point Simple and Effortless Beauty Regime:

1.Keep our skin clean and hydrated...Always wash your face, when you come from outside as the dirty pollutants tend to accumulate on our skins and cause perennial damage.Need not use soap everytime...Also, mandatorily, sprinkle water on your face before going to bed.

2.If you are back from the sun and tanned, the best home-made pack to reverse the tanning action is freshly made tomato paste....Apply in on the tanned surfaces for a total of 20 minutes...Trust me it works wonders.

3.On weekends or on holidays, mix together 2 tea spoons of gram flour(besan), 1 teaspoon Malai and 10 drops of lemon and making it onto a thick paste [Note : If your skin is oily, use milk in place of Malai]...Apply this paste on your face, full arms and legs, leave for 2 minutes and than gently rub...You will be astonished to see so much of dirt accumulated on our skin coming out with the paste....This is a wonderful gentle cleanser for all skin types.

4. You may add a pinch of Turmeric powder as well to the above, which will vitalize your skin and contribute to fairness in the long run...use this regime for 2 months, once or twice in a week and notice the positive effects yourselves.

5. Soak apricot overnight and grind it in milk in the morn, to make the most effective home-made scrub.Rub it gently over your face and neck in circular motion for 2-3 minutes and rinse it off with room temperature water....

6.The above apricot scrub is also most effective in removing the black heads, just leave it on the affected area to dry up and rub it thereafter in clockwise or anticlockwise motions.

7.Genuine sandal wood powder mixed with rose water is the best facepack, which has great effects in reversing the freshly popped out pimples....You can apply it anytime after washing your face thoroughly.

8.Use thin slices of cucumber and fresh potato juice under eye alternatively to reduce dark cycles. Close your eyes and place cucumber slices on them or apply raw potato juice on your eyes' contour for 20 minutes and relax...wash it off therafter...Do this atleast 2 times a day, if your under eye dark circles are prominent.

9.If you not averse to eggs, once in a while , beat an egg and apply it on your face, it nourishes the skin wonderfully , with it's multiple properties...leave it for 30 minutes and than wash it off ( Add a little rose water to it, if you fail to bear the smell, Phew!!)

10. Also, Eggs are extremely good hair conditioner too...just beat it and apply in your hair from 20-30 minutes and witness the buoyancy and life in your hair.

It is noteworthy that all of the above home remedies are equally effective and safe for your spouses and children as well, darlings!! And see like I told you,all of the ingredients are readily available in our kitchens every day..While I know several other home-made beauty tips, I have listed the 10 easiest and most effective ones for you, which I trust and actually use always!

In addition, I have deep faith in Ayurvedic Products like VICCO turmeric cream which is a unique perfect ayurvedic blend of essential ingredients in perfect proportions, which pamper, nourish and enrich our skins, for years now and aids it to #ComeCloser to Radiant Skin....

I Trust you find the above  natural and simple homemade beauty treatments beneficial for yourselves and your family....Do share your feedback <3


© [Roma Gupta Sinha][Straight From The Heart][2014]Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.


  1. Wooow..:)
    Even my granny say these tips. Some i use but some i ignore saying Parlour is the best. Whether is face or hands or hair or legs we have easy & superb remedy at home..:)
    Thats a true fact.

  2. woww nice tips. It helps to stop the bleeding of minor wounds and heals them, treats minor cuts and small injuries as well.Vicco Turmeric Cream with Foam Base is a one-step-solution to every girl's skin care problem.
