Thursday, 28 August 2014

Caring Mommy Vs Wifey Sweet : The Dilemma Of a Working Mom

Dear Readers,

Heartfelt Greetings to You!!

This is my First ever BlogPost  and my endeavor is to pour out to you, STRAIGHT FROM MY HEART, Most truly , always .Today I will touch upon MY STORY OF MOTHERHOOD which I am sure you would relate to....

Life has indeed been an admiration for me though it has always been on a roller coaster throughout.….falling in love and Motherhood being the two most beautiful interlinked chapters therein…I am destiny’s chosen child undoubtedly…My soulmate my hubby happens to be my childhood best buddy  ….. and I have promised him since childhood to stay by his dreams forever, no matter what adverse situations arise… as we grew up to become automobile engineers, our careers flourished immensely in a couple of years and we tied knot, life was almost a fairy tale…

I was basking in the glory of being recruited in my Dream Job in my Dream Organisation in Sweden and was about to join it in a couple of days, that the news of my first pregnancy arrived...At probably a time, motherhood was last on my mind, I came to know that God has conferred on me, the bestest ever gift of Womanhood...I felt Ecstatic and overwhelmed but at the very moment was reminded of my promise to my childhood sweetheart, my hubby darling, to stand by his dreams....Just 1 month ago, he has given up his top MNC job to become an Entrepreneur and I had committed to him to be the financial anchor of our house, till he stabilizes his business...As we has thoughtfully decided to have a baby 5 years down the line, this was probably the best time for him to be on his own with minimum liabilities without an offspring....

This was the first Dilemma that walked in my life as Motherhood sneaked in....Like anyone of us, I was ready to do anything for the love of my life but also wanted to bear my baby, the choice wasn't easy and the road ahead seemed tough quite tough... but I am glad my partner placed his belief in me to be able to shoulder both and never once the thought of not having our baby crept in our minds...

We decided to fight out the circumstances…Though I struggled physically juggling between my work in Sweden and India, emotionally and mentally I was hell bent to support my hubby in his endeavors…and I am glad I did….My Little Angel inside my womb knew mamma was standing by dad, and so he troubled me the least…My water bag burst on a flight back to Delhi from Frankfurt , I was ambulance lifted to hospital where our BUNDLE OF JOY  "ARSH" was born of 32 weeks gestation….preterm yet perfectly fit...I was quite conscious during the C-section and when the doc gave me my little sonny to kiss, I felt ecstatic, smiling n crying at the same time…That moment was doubly special, not only was my little sonny born, so was a mother born in me…And everything else changed from that day...The highly ambitious, business development manager in me took a backseat as I juggled with those tiny fingers of my tiny swthrt and tears of gratitude for GOD, rolled down from my eyes...I even hated to blink to avoid my little baby's face fade away from my eyes for a flick of a second...Words earnestly fail me to express how divine I felt that day ....selfless pure motherly love oozed out of me....

I breast fed my baby from his first feed and cherished the best experience on this earth and I wanted to keep him on mom's feed exclusively for the first 6 months…..The path was undoubtedly difficult as I have to also keep the promise to my husband, to support ourselves financially….This was when, even God decided to test me further...I soon discovered my son was Lactose Intolerant ( his body rejected any milk containing Lactose Sugar, and he yelled in pain, till the last drop of it remained inside him) , so my responsibility to feed him multiplied……without myself consuming even a drop of dairy products for months altogether...

My World now revolved around him and I adjusted all my activities throughout the day in accordance to his chores and timings ...It was indeed a paradigm shift from a pitch-perfect routine I followed earlier but I loved this re-structuring of my life as it was for my little angel...Motherhood in itself is such a Blissful and Satiating Experience !!I truly loved being a MOM <3

My official maternity leave was for 4 months..I held several meetings with my boss and HR that I would start working from home within 3 months itself and in return they must give me the leverage to work from home for my son’s first 6 months, and I would present myself in office for all important meetings..During the extra period after my maternity leave wherein I work from home they can choose to deduct a slice of my salary…My request was eventually accepted and I felt so proud of myself..I worked extra hard working from home as well my little one was always with me, with mamma around to feed him whenever my little boy was hungry…

Afr 6 months I joined office and shifted to a flat quite adjacent to my office and continued to go home twice in between to feed my little one and come back..I must say my office was too supportive  and now they have made a maternity policy which gives all female employees the options to choose from any of the options, I initially proposed...I continued with this makeshift arrangement till my cutie boy turned two and my hubby's business took a desirable shape...

While my hubby was ready to shoulder his responsibilities back, it was high time for me to lay the right foundation for my little sonny, for a worthy life ahead by giving him the right values and a strong fundamental base for education...Well one can't say at what age your child needs you the most, this was around the time too till when I had amassed the relevant experience to start my own consultancy..And hence, exactly on my baby's second Birthday, I called it Quits, to my High-Profile Corporate life....Well, A lot of fingers were raised at my decision from friends and relatives but I was convinced and what followed was an experience of a lifetime...

I tailor-made a professional life with my baby in it at every stage... we had great Mommy-Baby times together and I absolutely loved nurturing him my way ...I infused in him the thoughts that mommy has to work, quite early and he soon molded in the life-style...Also, I never really trusted nannies after being ditched by them more than thrice....I mostly worked from my tiny office at home and scheduled meetings in the time slot when my baby was at school...Gradually his school hours and hobby classes timings increased so did my working hours...Being on my own and taking projects and assignments keeping in mind the work-life balance, turned out to be a boon..Of course I played a second fiddle and let my hubby embark on more ambitious ventures...The fact that both of us were educated to be automobile engineers, helped us compliment each other in work as needed as well as pamper our little darling and take proper care of him...

Today the fruit of our love and labor is 6 years old (and I am so proud into what a extraordinaire boy he is growing up into ) and never once had I regretted any decision I have taken till today...of course there have been moments where I had felt low, but a subtle kiss from my sonny and his smile as wide as river Nile, is undoubtedly enough to wipe them off completely...Motherhood is so serine , so selfless, it purifies and enriches your soul...Sometimes I wonder, I had not fathomed the deepest secret of life, till I became a mother...Hanging around my neck for hours, His umpteen number of questions each day and his innocent talks , are so priceless for me and forever imprinted on my heart!!

With him, every moment  is a Grand Occasion for me as he makes me feel so so Special and make my Life all the more Worth-living....With him, I really look forward to the next moment ...How his candid thoughts will tinkle my soul and bowl me over, in sheer admiration. I wish so so much for both of us, 

May all the years that come along,  

give us together times, which remain in our hearts like a song................

At this juncture, dear friends, this post will be incomplete without me expressing my indebtedness to my mom, from whom passively , I have inherited the extreme strength of character, to take such big decisions in my stride and be a satisfied mom myself..With every passing day, my respect for her multiplies,so here's a note of gratitude for her, from the bottom of my heart: 

 "Thankyou dear mamma,

For not only giving me life
But also teaching me, how to make it worthwhile

For not only teaching me how to walk

But also, how to tred life's most difficult paths

For not only inculcating in me my first thoughts

But also, the deep strength to fight no matter what circumstances befall

For not only hugging me whenever I fall

But also for the unconditional love which is still filled in my heart

Though I lost you quite early,

Your Teachings will be my guiding light,
All through my life,

Whatever I am today is only because of you,

Dear mamma, thankyou......

Rearing my child,exactly like you taught me...

I admire you more n more now, dear mummy......"

It was undoubtedly the values and the power to believe in oneself, which mommy dearest imbibed in me,that enable me today, to carve out a way out of my dilemmas...juggle well in my responsibilities and also pursue my!

So Folks, this was my Motherhood Tale Straight From the Heart for you....and I am so so glad I could do my best to both of my sweethearts..Trust you enjoyed the Read...The Point that I wish to highlight is that as Females we always have to choose, n our real strength lies in facing the truth and reinforcing our Belief in ourselves, that no matter what circumstances befall, we will leave no stone un-turned to give our best, and on dear Almighty, leave the rest  ...TrulyyoursRoma

 © [Roma Gupta Sinha][Straight From The Heart]2014]Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.


  1. Thankyou so much my dear Ghun Jain, thnx for the appreciation :)

  2. This one was really touching dear...I love the variety in your writings

  3. Extremely grateful for your kind words dear Harsh :)

  4. Wow, loved your creativity... keep going on dear. ALL THE BEST

  5. Thnx a lot dear Rinki for your kind words :)

  6. Impressive. Story of Grit and determination. Work from home and flexi work hours should form part of HR policies of progressive organisations.

  7. That's called an achievement after a difficult struggle ....
    Many more success ahead dear :)

  8. Hats off to your hard work & determination ...its really inspiring.

  9. Thnx for the appreciation Dear Krishna Maharana :)

  10. I am really happy you liked my work, Sandhya Singh :)

  11. I am glad u liked it dear Aanchal Singh :)


    If u are a girl ,u Will love her...
    If u are a daughter, u Will follow her...
    If u are a wife , u Will appreciate her...
    If u are a working lady ,u Will be inspired by her....
    If u are a House wife , u Will see yourself in her...
    If you are a mother , u want to be like her....
    She is what we always thought to be..


  13. The only good luck many great men ever had was being born with the ability and determination to overcome bad luck......& that exactly is you ....dear ROMA GUPTA SINHA......

  14. Thnx Dear Sandhya Singh for all those lovely words, I am humbled darling :)
