Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Review of Life and Times of a Twenty Something by Reema D'souza ( A Lovely Account of a Girl Next Door)

Indian Bloggers

As April was commencing I was enthralled by the myriad theme reveals of my co-bloggers and some of them really caught my heart's attention. One of them was Reema Dsouza's 'Life and Times of a Twenty Something' which I could relate to almost instantaneously. The pressure of the A to Z Challenge kept me on and off her posts but as soon as her ebook was out, I was elated to grab a copy and I am so glad I did. 

I love the candour and honestly of the author in pouring her heart out in this beautiful compilation of her thoughts as a twenty something. It undoubtedly transported me to several years back and I related to every ounce of it and in fact every girl would. It is such a pleasure reading about her dreams, her graduation, her note to her future husband, her Friday love and many such interesting topics that she had beautifully portrayed as an innocent gal next door called Alana. You may choose to finish the read in one go or savour it chapter by chapter one at a time. It is an ideal read for both the scenarios.

If you are looking for a beautiful autobiographical account of a lovely independent and suave Indian girl, this one's for you. You can download it from Blogchatter Ebook Carnival here.

Book Blurb : There is so much that happens in our twenties. Graduation, first job, first salary, staying away from home, dating, being broke, being bored with the job that you worked so hard to get, and relatives and neighbours sneakily trying to find a suitable bride/groom for you when you've no idea about what you want to do next in your life. You are a mess. You thought you'd have everything sorted; you had those dreams in your eyes when you graduated. But when you look at it you've nothing sorted, you don't know which way to turn and you constantly ask yourself "What am I doing?" Those dreams that you once wanted to turn into reality are still dreams.
But then you have those moments of pure bliss! Buying something for your parents with your hard earned money, being appreciated at work, excelling in a skill you never thought you had, realizing that you have friends who are real gems and are always there for you, and maybe finding the love of your life. Twenties may be a mess, but then when you look back they are a beautiful mess!
Alana is a twenty something too and there is a lot happening in her life. Read more about her journey in the book.

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