Saturday 21 February 2015

Adding Lustre to my Life by Adding Lustre to my Hair: "Garnier Fructis Happy Hair Challenge"

Hey Sweets!

Tonnes of love to you for giving my blog buckets full of love...I will always yearn my heart out to bring to you the best and like I promised, something that truly deserves an expression Straight From the heart <3

It means a lot to me to have these candid heart-to-heart conversations with you through a new blog post almost everyday...Today I have chosen to speak to you about an awesome Garnier Triple Nutrition's Happy Hair Challenge which I have taken up recently....

The reason is simple....My hair journey has almost been like the famous O.Henry tale - "Two Gifts" where the lovely damsel Rapunzel's biggest asset her knee long admirable hair were reduced to shoulder steps like mine...except for the difference that she had sold them to buy a gift for her beloved while I have slowly lost their lustre and quality to growing stress ...Feels really bad, from being mamma's princess with ravishing hair that even passersby gazed at in admiration, today I  have lost the quantity as well as quality to be termed a gal of average hair :(....Isn't that too early in start thirties for me...

I have actually taken them too much for granted until recently when I realized they seriously need my attention and dedicated hair care now...I now realize how mamma use to oil and massage them one night in advance before washing them off with Garner Fructic Shampoo, the green bottle, all of us can easily recall....Gazing at my lustreless lifeless tresses today, I decided to go back to mommy's trust...Incidentally this is when I also came across the Garnier Triple Nutrition Hair Challenge....I immediately realized this could be a life-saviour for me so have taken it up proudly....because for me lovely silky hair are an essential part of one's persona....

Current Condition of my Hair and my concerns I wish to address: My biggest concern at the moment is my hair are dull and lack the silk softness and lustre which they once boasted of..I don't have split ends or hairfall  but my hair growth is slow which is extremely worrying as I love to change my hair styles quite frequently...I want my hair to gain back the sheen and length and thickness...

Another reason of trusting Garnier over other brands was my earlier experience with Garnier products like Garnier Pure Active Neem which has reduced my pimples considerably...You may read the my review of this product here:

So I hold the Garnier Products high up in my eyes....
I now trust, it is time for my favorite Brand Garnier's Hair Care products to impart life to my lustre-less hair and I really look forward to some wonderful results through this worthy challenge....
As a part of Garnier Triple Nutrition's Happy Hair Challenge, I have self-evaluated the current state of my hair in a consolidated which I will be testing the the two awesome Garnier hair Care Products - over a 30 days span again ...First before use for certain basic parameters and than after...The two products Garnier Triple Nutrition Shampoo and Garnier Triple Nutrition Conditioner are already in my hands and here's my Prima-Facie evaluation of the two :

1.Aesthetics: I rate it 10/10 for the ergonomically designed fluorescent orange bottles catch your attention at the very first glance. 

2. Fragrance: as I opened the bottles I was greeted with the same awesomely freshening smell that I have known for years....and like I have always said for all Garnier products, it 's smell makes  me feel like a fish relaxing in its pure habitat in a hot afternoon....I love it, it is neither mild nor strong...extremely soothing...

3. Packaging:  Since the lids are of flip flop design, there must be a seal or sticker on the product to be removed by the end customer, to prevent any abuse or leakage issues during logistics...

4. Viscosity: Both the shampoo n conditioner are viscous enough for us to be able to hold on our palms and not flow out from the sides when we rub them once between our palms before applying on our hair....very meticulously tested...thanks to the passionate R&D Team...

5. Advice n Instructions: The directions to use as well as the ingredients are legibly printed on the bottles which is right in the sense that some people may be allergic to certain substances...My earnest advice to all 

6. Cost: Last but not the least, is the price of the product which definitely has a good say when we choose a product and in my opinion at INR 135 each they make an excellent value for money products...

So dearies this was my first hand evaluation of what seems to me an excellent product my next post on the same topic in 30 days from now, I will be expressing straight from the heart my views on the quality of the products as well as how long they go in imparting life to my lustre-less hair and made them happy...


  1. Will really look forward to the results of the Challenge....Looking for a permanent hair care solution

  2. I have trusted garnier products for you will get best results
